Our Services

BrightPath Visa Consultancy, is your trusted partner in achieving your dreams of studying and traveling abroad! Based in the Philippines, we specialize in providing professional and personalized educational consultancy services for those wishing to explore the world.  

Our Qualified Educational Agents are trained and are certified student counsellors who successfully passed the industry recommended certification exam from ICEF Academy or PIER

Main Service

What we offer

Educational Consultancy

We offer a range of services, including college and university admissions, counseling, application support, academic program selection, and career guidance. Our team also assist students with their visa application processes, ensuring that they are prepared for the immigration requirements.

Country of Destination

Special Service

We facilitate english test arrangements and comprehensive review packages

We also offer and arrange licensure examination review

  • Licensure Examination for Teacher

  • National Medical Admission Test

  • Criminology Test

  • Civil Service Examination

  • Nursing Licensure Examination

For specialized training in the Philippines

  • Call Center Training,

  • UPCAT, and

  • College Entrance Test Reviews

Support Services

Tourist Visa Assistance

We provide tourist visa services to individuals, families and businesses. We offer support on identifying travel goals and preferences.

Dependent Visa Assistance

We provide this visa service mainly to the spouse and/or de facto of the student visa main applicant We offer support on the document preparation, submission and pre-departure support.


This is for Philippine Registered Nurses aiming to be registered in Australia

The Outcome Based Assessment is a permanent and consistent approach of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) in granting registration for international nurses. The process will ensure quality and safety in the care of the Australian consumers.

Want to know if you are qualified? Do your self check in AHPRA - its Free

Popular Courses

| Health Sciences

| Business

| Management

| Kitchen Management

| Automotive

| Civil Construction and Design

| Information and Technology

| Health Sciences | Business | Management | Kitchen Management | Automotive | Civil Construction and Design | Information and Technology